Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries took a survey from a sample from over 5000 people which reveals that less that 10% of Japanese folks regularly eat breakfast.
..... the ministry of agriculture had a load of other data from over a million samples showing that children who eat brekkie every morning do better at tests in school.
This page of survey results also show that kids who eat brekkie daily do better in physical education tests too.
.................. folks who skip brekkie get agitated easily and don't have motivation to do stuff.
..... the ministry of agriculture had a load of other data from over a million samples showing that children who eat brekkie every morning do better at tests in school.
This page of survey results also show that kids who eat brekkie daily do better in physical education tests too.
.................. folks who skip brekkie get agitated easily and don't have motivation to do stuff.
Read the full article here , thank you Mr. Danny Choo ... I am your biggest fan.
So don't skip breakfast ..., have a happy Monday Morning .... (^.^)
uh oh...i go straight to lunch after i wake up....i need my brekkie!
haha ... yes you should have brekkie baby .... (^.^)
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