Sunday, January 31, 2010
Today's Horoscope
The Moon's return to your sign today heightens the intensity of your emotions. It's difficult for you to understand your feelings now because they are not what you expected. Instead of trying to rationalize your reactions, try to observe them without judgment. Give yourself permission to change your mind as often as needed, until your new perspective begins to solidify. Your values are in the midst of a long-term metamorphosis and there's no use in rushing the process.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
@Ramen Sanpachi
back on track
I have been a very busy little Bee...
I spend so many months working on my daily job, now I am feeling fresh with ideas. I can put my daily job to one side for a few weeks and play with my fabric supplies that seem to gradually multiple on the groaning shelves.
I spend so many months working on my daily job, now I am feeling fresh with ideas. I can put my daily job to one side for a few weeks and play with my fabric supplies that seem to gradually multiple on the groaning shelves.
Todays Horoscope
The outgoing Leo Full Moon falls in your 12th House of Secrets, presenting you with a dilemma. You'll need to figure out a way to express yourself that allows you to maintain silence on some aspects of your life. Selectively disclosing information now can be tricky because once you start talking you could find it difficult to stop. Decide your limits beforehand so you will know when to retreat.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Todays Horoscope
You might not want to see many people that you know today, and your tendency could be to withdraw. But this isn't the healthiest response because your presence is required now. Consider performing your social duties while still leaving time for yourself. You'll be able to do it all if you don't get lost in your fantasies along the way.
note : bener bangeeeettt ....
note : bener bangeeeettt ....
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Kinder Joy
Gara-gara baca bukunya Peter More yang berjudul Vroom with a view, saya jadi penasaran dengan Kinder Surprise yang dia maksud yang selalu dikumpulkan (karena mengharapkan dapat mainan Vespa) selama perjalanan dia di Italia.
Kemarin saya menemukan semacam Kinder Surprise gitu di Food Hall, tapi yang ini judulnya Kinder Joy, tapi bentuknya hampir sama ... waa ... jadi pengen ngumpulin juga.
Mainan Kinder Joy saya yang pertama adalah : 4 monster ... haha!!
Todays Horoscope
You may feel as if you are stuck in a situation and want to break free, whatever the cost. You have spent enough time considering your options; now you are ready for action. Forcing change today is not recommended because the security-conscious Cancer Moon is in your 11th House of Long-Term Goals. Although you can see that the potential benefits outweigh the risks, you are not likely to follow through with your plan yet. Be wise and maintain the status quo for a little while longer.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Todays Horoscope
You may be happy if the pressure in your life is decreasing and that your experiences have taught you as much as they did. You have the opportunity now to integrate your feelings into your social interactions. Trusting others enough to freely share your heart is the greatest gift possible. Don't miss this chance to let someone special past your defensive walls.... @me : ???
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Todays Horoscope
Talk is cheap and others may grow weary of your promises today once they see you fall short of your target. You certainly mean well when you commit to your end of the deal, but you are now more willing than you are able to perform up to your own extreme expectations. Don't put too much energy into any one relationship, and if a pending agreement doesn't sound right, walk away from it for a few days before picking it up again.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Todays Horoscope
You might feel a bit uneasy now if your day doesn't unfold on schedule. Although you still could complete all the projects you initially set out to do, something big gnaws away at the back of your mind. It can be frustrating because you know that whatever is bothering you will take more than just a day to handle. Don't beat yourself up; you are human and must accept the imperfections and limitations of life along with everyone else.
from here
from here
Now and Then
Hari Minggu ini, meskipun tetap harus kerja, saya sempatkan diri untuk berkumpul bersama sahabat-sahabat deket banget, soulmate, temen maen jaman masih pake' rok biru, jaman norak-norak-an bareng, bandel-bandelan bareng, centil-centil-an bareng .. Saling curhat, dan kita sudah lama banget gak ketemu... Maksudnya dalam formasi lengkap. Kita ngobrol dan makan bareng ... Walaupun gak lama .. Dan terkadang pada sibuk mengurusi anak masing-masing (kecuali saya) .. Tapi cukup untuk melepas kerinduan kita berlima.
Saya merasa kita seperti di film Sex and the city atau film Now and Then ...
Persahabatan kita memang agak aneh but sweet .. Semoga gak habis dimakan waktu .. Amin.
Saya merasa kita seperti di film Sex and the city atau film Now and Then ...
Persahabatan kita memang agak aneh but sweet .. Semoga gak habis dimakan waktu .. Amin.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Todays Horoscope
This could be an easygoing day if you don't make yourself busy with unnecessary work. Instead of simply shifting into automatic and starting on your regular list of chores, consider which tasks are non-essential and leave those for another day. Even if you are a typical hardworking Virgo, think about taking some time off today just for yourself.
from here
from here
Friday, January 22, 2010
Alphabet Stamps
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Todays Horoscope
Personal and business relationships can be quite complex these days and you might rather avoid entanglement as much as you can. Showing your vulnerability doesn't sound like a smart move to you now, but you may be more dependent on others than you are willing to admit. Acknowledge any resistance you are feeling; your upfront honesty could defuse a potentially difficult situation.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Todays Horoscope
Your innate love of perfection often places you ahead of the pack when it comes to high standards. You want to get it right. But today your unwillingness to accept anything less than the best can actually get in the way of your happiness, especially if you don't have the luxury of sufficient time. For the sake of expediency, don't be such a stickler over the details now. Although it may go against your grain, it's better to get the job done than to miss your current deadline.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Todays Horoscope
You are moving into a phase when work becomes more enjoyable now that sweet Venus is in your 6th House of Employment. You may have an opportunity to make new friends or even become romantically attracted to someone you meet through your job. But others could be more emotionally expressive than you prefer, provoking you to retreat. You'll be happier in the long run if you take your time and develop an enduring relationship rather than one that quickly comes and goes.
from here
from here
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Todays Horoscope
Your partnership potential is looking good over the next several months as joyful Jupiter moves through your 7th House of Relationships. Although you may be disappointed if your expectations are unrealistic, it's more likely that someone special will enter your life and impact you in a positive manner. Whether you discover a mentor or a romance, exciting opportunities abound.
from here
from here
Purse organizer
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Todays Horoscope
It's important that you don't get too carried away with what you are doing today or you could exhaust yourself too soon. If you start a project and it becomes more work than you expected, make sure you know when to call it quits. You don't have to prove yourself now, even if you think that others may judge you as less than capable. Give it your best effort and then just walk away.
pada suatu pagi
"Maka pada suatu pagi hari ia ingin sekali menangis sambil berjalan tunduk sepanjang lorong itu. Ia ingin pagi itu hujan turun rintik-rintik dan lorong sepi agar ia bisa berjalan sendiri saja sambil menangis dan tak ada orang bertanya kenapa.
Ia tidak ingin menjerit-jerit berteriak-teriak mengamuk memecahkan cermin membakar tempat tidur. Ia hanya ingin menangis lirih saja sambil berjalan sendiri dalam hujan rintik-rintik di lorong sepi pada suatu pagi."
— Sapardi Djoko Damono
Saya merasa menjadi manusia ter-"drama" sedunia
Ia tidak ingin menjerit-jerit berteriak-teriak mengamuk memecahkan cermin membakar tempat tidur. Ia hanya ingin menangis lirih saja sambil berjalan sendiri dalam hujan rintik-rintik di lorong sepi pada suatu pagi."
— Sapardi Djoko Damono
Saya merasa menjadi manusia ter-"drama" sedunia
What do you think?
Do you think I am happy ? I don't think so.
Or maybe .. Saya belum bisa bersyukur.
I don't know what I should do now. I don't have energy to move... Allah please help me .. I need You
Or maybe .. Saya belum bisa bersyukur.
I don't know what I should do now. I don't have energy to move... Allah please help me .. I need You
Friday, January 15, 2010
Todays Horoscope
Communicator Mercury focuses your attention on your 5th House of Self-Expression. You might feel as if you have been waiting for the right moment to share something very dear to your heart with someone special. Now, after careful deliberation you may be ready to show your cards, especially if the risk seems minimal. You won't have a shot at success by keeping secrets now, so you might as well give honest disclosure the chance it deserves.
from here
from here
Thursday, January 14, 2010
things are going to loosen up very soon ... amin
Kata-nya :
"You may be frustrated by the lack of fun in your life now. Even if you have attempted to make time for some pleasure, it's been hard to make much progress these last couple of weeks. Don't lose faith; things are going to loosen up very soon. In the meantime, try to get your ducks in a row so you are ready to fly when given clearance for takeoff."
ya ....
"You may be frustrated by the lack of fun in your life now. Even if you have attempted to make time for some pleasure, it's been hard to make much progress these last couple of weeks. Don't lose faith; things are going to loosen up very soon. In the meantime, try to get your ducks in a row so you are ready to fly when given clearance for takeoff."
ya ....
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
New Button
Seneng banget akhirnya saya menemukan cara membuat button di blog .. yayy ...
dapet tutorialnya di sini dan di sini .. dan saya membuat button juga buat SawoKecikCraft dan mengganti button twitter saya dan SawoKecikCraft.
Thanks for the tutorial .... ^.^
dapet tutorialnya di sini dan di sini .. dan saya membuat button juga buat SawoKecikCraft dan mengganti button twitter saya dan SawoKecikCraft.
Thanks for the tutorial .... ^.^
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Bali day 4-back to Jakarta
14 tahun yang lalu
Genap 14 tahun yang lalu Papa meninggalkan kita sekeluarga .. Untuk kembali pada Nya. Gak pernah terpikir bahwa papa akan begitu cepat pergi ... Yang ada dibayangan adalah papa dan mama akan masih terus bersama sampai jadi kakek nenek .. Bermain-main dengan cucu-cucunya ...
Tapi kehendak Allah tergaris seperti ini...
Papa.. I miss you so much .. As always ...
Tapi kehendak Allah tergaris seperti ini...
Papa.. I miss you so much .. As always ...
Monday, January 11, 2010
Bali day 3 Uluwatu-Kuta
Bangun pagi, sudah disambut hujan di Villa Balquisse .... wuuaahh .. bikin malas untuk keluar .. pengennya tidur aja, kalo' gak inget ada sarapan gratis dan ingin menikmati sarapan di restoran Asam Garam ... rasanya pengen tidur sepanjang hari .... Semalam saya tidur seperti permaisuri ... sampe' gak sholat subuh ... sigh
Menyenangkan sekali ... Sarapan seperti putri raja, ada Pancake, Sosis+telur mata sapi+berbagai macam potongan buah+jus semangka dan teh hangat .... diiringi rintik hujan ... indaaaah banget.
Siang ini saya harus check out ... kalau punya uang banyak, atau harga kamarnya gak mahal, pengen rasanya berlama-lama ditempat persembunyian ini ....
Setelah makan, saya sempatkan diri untuk berenang, mumpung hujan berhenti, tapi gak sampai setengah jam berenang, hujan kembali turun deras ... akhirnya saya keluar dari kolam renang dan kemudian mandi. Setelah mandi dan sholat Dhuha ... kemudian saya packing yang kemudian dilanjutkan tidur-tiduran .. bermalas-malasan untuk yang terakhir kali .... aaahhh ... tak ingin berakhir ....
Menyenangkan sekali ... Sarapan seperti putri raja, ada Pancake, Sosis+telur mata sapi+berbagai macam potongan buah+jus semangka dan teh hangat .... diiringi rintik hujan ... indaaaah banget.
Siang ini saya harus check out ... kalau punya uang banyak, atau harga kamarnya gak mahal, pengen rasanya berlama-lama ditempat persembunyian ini ....
Setelah makan, saya sempatkan diri untuk berenang, mumpung hujan berhenti, tapi gak sampai setengah jam berenang, hujan kembali turun deras ... akhirnya saya keluar dari kolam renang dan kemudian mandi. Setelah mandi dan sholat Dhuha ... kemudian saya packing yang kemudian dilanjutkan tidur-tiduran .. bermalas-malasan untuk yang terakhir kali .... aaahhh ... tak ingin berakhir ....
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Bali day 1, Jakarta-Kuta
tidak ada yang menahan saya pergi..artinya saya berangkat. Pesan tiket..ok, booking hotel..ok.
Saya berangkat ...saya ingin berlibur dengan maksud ingin menghilangkan semua kepenatan ini.

Sampai Bali sudah cukup sore, ternyata ada pesan dari kantor, ada job masuk untuk saya. Terpaksa berbohong ... Terlambat, kaki sudah menginjak tanah Bali.
Lanjutkan liburan.. Gak usah mikirin kerjaan. Think happy thoughts aja .. Come on .. You can do it!!
Makan malam di BubbaGump, my fav restaurant... Bali hujan .. Habis makan malam dan membeli beberapa souvenir, saya ke Surfer Girl, my fav shop .. Setelah itu hujan hujanan kembali ke hotel. Beberapa hal bodoh saya lakukan malam ini .. As always, selalu saja ada hal-hal bodoh yang saya lakukan pada saat travelling .. Haha!! But its fun ..

Besok rencana akan menginap semalam di Uluwatu .. Yippiiee .. And the day after, back to Kuta .. Yippiiee ...
Saya berangkat ...saya ingin berlibur dengan maksud ingin menghilangkan semua kepenatan ini.
Sampai Bali sudah cukup sore, ternyata ada pesan dari kantor, ada job masuk untuk saya. Terpaksa berbohong ... Terlambat, kaki sudah menginjak tanah Bali.
Lanjutkan liburan.. Gak usah mikirin kerjaan. Think happy thoughts aja .. Come on .. You can do it!!
Makan malam di BubbaGump, my fav restaurant... Bali hujan .. Habis makan malam dan membeli beberapa souvenir, saya ke Surfer Girl, my fav shop .. Setelah itu hujan hujanan kembali ke hotel. Beberapa hal bodoh saya lakukan malam ini .. As always, selalu saja ada hal-hal bodoh yang saya lakukan pada saat travelling .. Haha!! But its fun ..
Besok rencana akan menginap semalam di Uluwatu .. Yippiiee .. And the day after, back to Kuta .. Yippiiee ...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
My Life So Busy and Noisy
Baca blog seseorang, entah saya suka mengikuti kehidupannya .. Yang menurut saya cukup menyenangkan. Dia memiliki seorang suami dan seorang anak dari suaminya yang terdahulu. Kini dia hidup bahagia with her new little family. Dan dia kini tidak bekerja kantor, dia mengurus suami dan anak dan dia suka menjahit and make a lot of stuff ... Looks fun to me. Hidup dia seperti mimpi saya... I wish saya memiliki kehidupan seperti dia. Dulu dia katakan hidupnya busy and noisy .. Now dia happy dengan kehidupan dia yang sekarang dengan 2 orang yang dicintainya.
My life now is so busy and noisy, I wish saya memiliki kehidupan seperti dia. Wondering apa yang menjadi harapan dia dulu? Apakah yang sekarang ini adalah apa yang dia harapkan dulu ? Jika iya.. Oh menyenangkan sekali.
Sampai sekarang hidup saya lalui dengan harapan dan harapan. Saya orang yang belum bisa bersyukur, masih saja suka mengeluh, merasa orang lain lebih beruntung. Saya tak mensyukuri keadaan saya sekarang ini yang mungkin juga bikin orang lain merasa betapa beruntungnya saya.
Saya masih harus banyak belajar untuk bersyukur.
Tapi saya memiliki harapan, cita-cita untuk hidup saya kedepan ...
Apakah saya bisa seperti dia ... Apakah saya akan diberi kesempatan merasakan hidup seperti hidupnya yang selalu saya ikuti itu? .. Apakah saya akan diberi kesempatan merasakan hidup seperti yang saya harapkan selama ini ? Only God knows .. InsyaAllah
My life now is so busy and noisy, I wish saya memiliki kehidupan seperti dia. Wondering apa yang menjadi harapan dia dulu? Apakah yang sekarang ini adalah apa yang dia harapkan dulu ? Jika iya.. Oh menyenangkan sekali.
Sampai sekarang hidup saya lalui dengan harapan dan harapan. Saya orang yang belum bisa bersyukur, masih saja suka mengeluh, merasa orang lain lebih beruntung. Saya tak mensyukuri keadaan saya sekarang ini yang mungkin juga bikin orang lain merasa betapa beruntungnya saya.
Saya masih harus banyak belajar untuk bersyukur.
Tapi saya memiliki harapan, cita-cita untuk hidup saya kedepan ...
Apakah saya bisa seperti dia ... Apakah saya akan diberi kesempatan merasakan hidup seperti hidupnya yang selalu saya ikuti itu? .. Apakah saya akan diberi kesempatan merasakan hidup seperti yang saya harapkan selama ini ? Only God knows .. InsyaAllah
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I am a Tiger Wood
The Tiger
The Tiger is said to be lucky vivid, lively and engaging. Another attribute of the Tiger is his incredible bravery, evidenced in his willingness to engage in battle or his undying courage. Maybe he’s so brave because he is so lucky. But the Chinese say a Tiger having a Tiger in the house is the very best protection against the evils of fire, burglary.
Years of the Tiger
Tiger Years are third in the cycle and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date, so it is essential to check the calendar to find the exact date on which each Tiger year actually begins.
Tigers do not find worth in power or money. They will be completely honest about how they feel and expect the same of you. On the other hand, they seek approval from peers and family. Generally, because of their charming personalities Tigers are well liked. Often, failing at a given task or being unproductive in his personal or professional life can cause a Tiger to experience a depression. Criticism from loved ones can also generate this type of Tiger reaction. Still, like all felines, Tigers always land on their feet, ready for their next act in life, pursuing it with unyielding energy and hunting it infallibly.
Tigers are also incorrigibly competitive - they simply cannot pass up a challenge, especially when honor is at stake, or they are protecting those they love. Tigers are unpredictable and it would be unwise to underestimate their reactions. They may appear cool, but they have the Big Cat's instincts to pounce at a moment's warning. Natural leaders, they have a strong sense of their own dignity, and if they find
themselves in the ranks, they can be stubborn and obstinate. In positions of power they can be difficult though stimulating bosses. Tigers are intelligent, alert, and farsighted. They have their fingers on the pulse. Good strategists and tacticians, they often have a hidden agenda. As long as they do not risk their luck too often, and keep their restless nature under control, their tactics usually pay off in life.
People born in the year of the Tiger share certain characteristics. The Tiger sign is an abbreviated way of characterizing that individual’s personality. Following are features associated with the sign of the Tiger.
Third in order, Chinese name - HU, sign of courage
Hour--am-4:59am Month--February
Western counterpart—Aquarius
Courage, Vehemence, Self-Reliance, Friendliness, Hopefulness, Resilience, Vanity, Disregard
The characteristics of the Tiger are tempered by one of the five Chinese elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth overlaying a 5-year cycle of characteristics on the original 12-year cycle.
The Wood Tiger is more adaptable to working with others and therefore does not demonstrate the typical "take charge" attitude of other Tigers. The Wood element adds stability, giving him warmth of character that draws people in and makes the Tiger a popular person. They are not selfish creatures and will give their time, attention or possessions to anyone in need. These Tigers bring a solid practicality to any problem. They can control their urges to completely take over, letting others do the work. They must be aware of their slightly volatile tempers and short attention spans, and not let those characteristics get the best of them or cause them or their loved ones undue pain.
Tigers tackle everything in their lives in brief bursts of energy, collapsing afterwards in a heap of exhaustion. Normally they are soon back to full strength, but their approach can cause their long-term health to suffer. They should take it a little easier and learn to pace themselves to keep active longer and to prevent early burnout. They are blessed with flexibility and recover quickly from illness or pain. They owe it to themselves to relax a little. Along with the fitness of their long-term health, Tigers must be aware of how they react to and are affected by the consequences of their tempers. A Tiger’s meanest enemy is the damage he can inflict upon himself in the midst of a temper tantrum.
Tigers take pride in being different than others and generally illustrate their originality best in their homes. Tigers can utilize their atmosphere with color and light. A Tiger’s home will be filled with exotic treasures from trips past and will include items such as Tibetan prayer mats or African carvings, confirming their desire to travel to distant places.
A quickness and an alert intelligence make Tigers fast learners. Tigers need a challenge. Add this to them being easily bored and it explains why Tigers tend to change careers more often than other Chinese Animals. Some Tigers don’t change their occupations frequently enough and thus tend to juggle jobs all at the same time. Most Tigers are natural born leaders who perform best knowing they are working towards positions of power and influence.
Tigers depend on luck. They like to spend money, and also to share it. They can be quite impulsive spenders because they know they can always make more. Somehow, as luck would have it, they discover the end of the rainbow just before complete bankruptcy. They are willing to lose a fortune in their lifetime, if it means they will wind up with two.
Those born in the Year of the Tiger share the same kinds of goals and objectives in life. The occupations best suited for the Tiger are listed below:
Race Car Drivers
Flight Attendants
Travel Agents
Advertising Agents
Office Managers
Whether Tigers are compatible with their business partners depends on whether their signs are harmonious or antagonistic to those of their business partners. Considering the congruity of their own characters and the characters of their business partners can also be very useful.
Tigers ruled by Benefit From Are Antagonistic to
Metal Earth Dogs Fire Oxen
Water Metal Pigs Earth Snakes
Wood Water Tigers Metal Roosters
Fire Wood Horses Water Rats
Earth Fire Dragons Wood Monkeys
Leisurely activities and pleasures
Since Tigers are born under the same Animal Sign, they often share likes and dislikes. Following are similar likes and dislikes of the Tiger personality.
Tigers like:
Color Preference: Mid-green
Gems and Stones: Ruby, Diamond, Cat’s Eye
Suitable Gifts: Exotic cookbooks, travel guides, sports gear, mystery or crime novel, extreme sport lessons
Hobbies and Pastimes: Amateur theater, extreme sports, loud parties, intriguing vacations
Tigers Dislike: Not getting enough recognition for their efforts. Being inferior to others at work, impolite people
Tigers like to live on the edge, to travel long distances conquering thrills and fears along the way. Never the homebody, Tigers prefer activity and excitement to relaxing days by the ocean reading a good book. They leave on a whim and return when they are ready to plan their next vacation. Action-filled getaways are sure to get a Tiger away for a long time!
Tigers, born under the third Animal sign of the Chinese Zodiac, have the ability to lift the spirits of even the most depressed or lonesome individual they meet. Because of that attitude, Tigers have no problem making new friends. Actually, a Tiger person without a friend is quite miserable and sad. Like the Dragon, the Monkey, and the Rat, Tigers are most comfortable surrounded by friends and family.
As friends, Tigers are exceptionally warm and incredibly generous with their time, attention and money. Friends are always welcome in a Tiger’s home and will most often be greeted with a cup of coffee, an ear, a tissue, an open mind and an open wallet. Few friends could be as caring and affectionate, as quirky and surprising, or as genuinely interested as the Tiger.
Compatible Friends
Best Friends: Horses and Dogs
Mortal Enemy: Monkeys
Tiger parents are quite similar to the characters of their wildlife counterparts. They will walk through fire to protect their children or to defend them to others. As warm and affectionate as they are, they can become fierce and defensive when their kids are at stake. They lavish their offspring with treats and spoil them with generosity. Tiger parents can be fun as kittens, playing family games and getting great enjoyment from it. On the whole, they enjoy their children's company, having a good laugh and sharing a funny joke. Still, adult Tigers will become enraged if one of their children has gone too far, or is disrespectful. As open-minded and liberal as they are, they will not, under any circumstances, tolerate bad manners, or a lack of respect for other adults.
They take their role as parents very seriously, and they believe in the value of a good education. When their kids are small, Tigers like to tell them tales and read them stories. They like to talk about their childhood experiences, and use their stories to instill moral lessons or any ethical feelings. Tigers are decidedly convinced to make themselves the very best role models for their children that they can be.
Tiger babies and children are cheerful children with a zest and passion for life that ignites their curious nature. Boys will and girls alike will enjoy the competitiveness and athleticism sports require. From an early age, Tiger children can’t pass on a dare or a challenge. Intelligent and friendly, Tiger children carry a curiosity about life and their environment. In class, they are apt to enjoy and do better at subjects that give them the ability and creative freedom to express themselves.
Some parents immediately click with their children and others find they will never have a close relationship, no matter how hard they try to make it happen. Following are the compatibility ratings between Tiger parents and their children.
Tigers with Under the same roof Compatibility Rating
Rat put time into it for maximum effect **
Ox difficult *
Tiger look at life the same way ***
Rabbit smooth sailing ***
Dragon principled parenting ****
Snake going different directions *
Horse similar outlook ****
Sheep loving relationship **
Monkey pretty divided *
Rooster separate ideas *
Dog strong bonds and deep friendship ****
Pig to get the good you’ll survive the bad ***
*uphill struggle **some complications ***easy bonding ****on the same wavelength
Tigers are incredibly sexy people, beautiful to most people and sensually romantic. They are spontaneous lovers who never lose their creative spark or flare for an evening of passion. They offer their partner a hint of danger and exhibit a curiosity for the unknown.
Once a Tiger has committed himself to you, he can tend to want to dominate or lead you. This is a natural nurturing mechanism and must be kept under close watch to avoid complete control. For the negative effects a Tiger can have on
his partner, there are a zillion positive things he will bring to the relationship. Trust, passion, politeness and spontaneity are only a few characteristics of the Tiger mate.
Tigers love excitement and need someone who can keep up with all they want to do and see. His partner must also be able to stand the mood swings, the ups and downs, the good with the bad. Chinese horoscopes are very specific about which partnerships have the potential to be successful in love and in business. Yet, though destiny can point us ion the right direction, we must still make all efforts to maintain loving relationships. Following is a brief description of how a Tiger will affect a relationship with other Animal signs.
Lots of friendship, but many temper tantrums will blur the good times.
This is one of the worst possible pairings…that’s probably why you are so drawn to each other.
You are both so dominant and creative you are bound to ignite each other’s curiosity.
This is another good match.
A brave combination plenty of fire to keep you interested.
You are on completely different paths that aren’t worth crossing.
You are destined for an exciting life together.
Not enough openness to try to keep it together.
You’ll aggravate each other to death!
Little communication causes big issues.
You are a winning combination…admiration and respect fuel this partnership.
Humor and friendship make this partnership a success!
Love Partners at a Glance
Tigers with Tips on Togetherness Compatibility
Rat value each other’s opinions **
Ox striking tantrums *
Tiger to much mind changing **
Rabbit differences are similar ***
Dragon a great partnership ***
Snake don’t go for it *
Horse good match ****
Sheep marriage won’t work **
Monkey pretty frustrating *
Rooster make a decision or leave **
Dog stable and affectionate ****
Pig humor keeps you together ****
*dispute **keep working at it ***intense sexual attraction ****angelic
These Tigers can be pretty picky when it comes to choosing a partner. They have an eye for detail that can cause them to be a little neurotic at times.
from : here
Tahun 2009 :
1. Tahun yang penuh dengan pengharapan ... hasilnya : harapan belum menjadi kenyataan.
2. Tahun dimana saya berusaha mendekatkan diri dengan Allah .... belajar untuk lebih ikhlas, bersabar dan bersyukur .... hasilnya : masih terus harus belajar.
3. Tahun untuk memulai rencana baru .. hasilnya : masih terus meniti.
entah .. apakah di tahun ini saya masih boleh berharap ... atau .. apakah saya yang tidak bersyukur.
1. Tahun yang penuh dengan pengharapan ... hasilnya : harapan belum menjadi kenyataan.
2. Tahun dimana saya berusaha mendekatkan diri dengan Allah .... belajar untuk lebih ikhlas, bersabar dan bersyukur .... hasilnya : masih terus harus belajar.
3. Tahun untuk memulai rencana baru .. hasilnya : masih terus meniti.
entah .. apakah di tahun ini saya masih boleh berharap ... atau .. apakah saya yang tidak bersyukur.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Happy New Year
Selamat Tahun Baru .... !!
Semoga di tahun yang baru ini semuanya menjadi lebih baik ... amin
Semoga di tahun yang baru ini semuanya menjadi lebih baik ... amin
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